Sore Throat Test and Treat Service available in Carmarthenshire Pharmacies.
The Sore Throat Test and Treat scheme allows patients who have a sore throat to call into their local pharmacy and be tested by a trained pharmacist using a quick and pain free test. Following a consultation and assessment by the pharmacist, medication may be supplied for those patients where an antibiotic is required. In many cases, a sore throat is the result of a viral rather than bacterial infection which means antibiotics will not work, and self-care and rest are the best course of action.
A Welsh GP said “This is a really exciting new service which will serve those patients who are worried about a severe or persistent sore throat. It’s an additional resource which we are very grateful for as GPs entering the busy winter period.
“Crucially the time your GP might have spent seeing patients with sore throats will be free for quicker access for your family, friends and neighbours with more complex illness to be seen. I would strongly encourage patients over the age of six -years-old with a sore throat and who need advice from a healthcare professional to access this free NHS service in the first instance.”